Friday 28 November 2014

Toxin Benzene in Hookah boost risk for leukemia

Hookah which is an ancient form of smoking is quickly gaining popularity amidst adolescents, as per recent studies as they consider hookahs to be safe, however the recent study has found toxic Benzene in the fumes that come from the water pipes. This toxic Benzene has led to an increase in risk of leukemia which is a group of cancers that by and large commences in the bone marrow and results in high numbers of abnormal white blood cells.

As per the reports, the use of burning charcoal is involved in hookah smoking which is needed to heat the hookah tobacco in order to generate the smoke that the smoker inhales. In addition to it carcinogens and toxicants that are inhaled are found in hookah tobacco smoke and moreover large quantities of charcoal carcinogenic emissions and combustion-generated toxic are also inhaled by hookah smokers and nonsmokers who socialize with hookah smokers.

Furthermore, Moassel which is the sweetened and flavored tobacco is noted as one of the most popular kind of hookah tobacco that consist of around 30% tobacco fermented with fruits mixed with glycerin and chemical flavors and molasses.

In the year 2013 in US few researchers found that at some point in time around 23.2% of female and 26.6% of male college students have used hookah. According to few researchers, as the practice of hookah smokings is often seen in social settings and have examined an uptake of Benzene in both hookah smokers and non-smokers who have been presented at hookah social events.

Moreover, S-phenylmercapturic acid (SPMA) which is a metabolite of Benzene have been found in both hookah smokers and non-smokers and the uptake of SPMA in smokers have augmented to 4.2-fold after smoking hookah tobacco at a hookah lounge, whereas on the other hand for non-smokers it has increased to 2.6-fold after attending an event at a hookah lounge.

However, research analysts call for intercessions to diminish or thwart the use of hookah tobacco, regulatory actions to limit hookah-related exposure to toxicants including Benzene, and comprise of hookah smoking in clean indoor air legislation, as they believe that there is no safe level of exposure to Benzene.

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