Saturday 23 August 2014

Saudi crude production to remain high in 2014-2015

Saudi crude production, according to a recent report, will remain high in 2014 as well as 2015.

This report is based on OPEC outages, geopolitical crisis (Libya, Ukraine and Iraq), rising domestic use from the power and transport sectors, growing demand from the refining sector as well as the improving global economy.

The report suggested that the outlook for gas looks bleak, in spite of efforts and plans to tap unconventional resources. The increasing consumption and tight supply may force Saudi to consider imports.

Saudi oil reserves are expected to increase as much as 273 billion bbls by 2017, but may decline to 265 billion by the end of 2023.

 In 2013, Saudi had planned to add 160 billion bbls in additional reserves in the coming years.

The Kingdom has succeeded in maintaining high oil production levels and exports in the first half of 2014.

Experts suggested that crude oil and lease condensates production will stay at current levels throughout the current year.

2014 will see production of nearly 9.78 billion bpd, an increase of 1 per cent from 2013 production levels, but lower than output in 2012.

2015 will likely see a decline in oil production, at 9.8 million bpd.

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