Saturday 17 May 2014

Research suggests relation between chemicals in our body and income

Researchers have stated that the chemicals in our body is not only affecting our health but also our social status.
The research was headed by Dr Jessica Tyrrel from the University of Exeter Medical School's European Centre for Environment & Human Health, in Cornwall.

This study aimed at examining linka between the buildup of chemicals in human body and their socio-economic status.

People from all economic backgrounds absorb chemicals, but what us important is that the type of chemical is dependent on economic status.

The conventional thinking has suggested that people belonging to lower socio-economic status have more toxic elements in their body.

As social standing improves, changes in lifestyle modify the types of toxicants in the human body, instead of reducing the overall amount.

This change in thought has altered the way experts treat chemical build ups. Thus, they have come to the conclusion that  they should move to dealing with groups based on lifestyle and not earnings.

The study has compared results from 6 separate populations, showing strong links between 18 different chemicals and poverty ratings.

People with higher incomes had greater amounts of toxicants like arsenic caesium, urinary mercury and thallium. The study suggests that diet plays a key role in chemical accumulation.

Consuming fish and shellfish can lead to build up of mercury, arsenic and thallium.

Sunscreen use is said to lead to accumulation of benzophenone-3, as people with higher incomes are more likely to use products with chemicals.

People belonging to lower socio-economic groups are more likely to have build-ups of cadmium, antimony, urninary lead and bisphenol A. Smoking combined with a poor diet are responsible for build-up of toxicants like cadmium.

Prolonged exposure to toxic chemicals can lead to health problems like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
This study has helped examine the relation between an individual's socio-economic status and chemicals. It will equip strategies formulated to improve human health.

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